The Autistic Burnout Recovery Guide


The Autistic Burnout Recovery Guide is a 52 fillable workbook to help support you in your own autistic burnout recovery! I designed this workbook filled with tools and practical support from someone who 100% gets what it’s like to be in autistic burnout.

In this workbook I’ll guide you through three key parts of autistic burnout recovery:

  • Practical steps: These are the practical things you can do to support yourself in autistic burnout-and in your recovery!

  • Deeper Support: This is a key part of autistic burnout recovery and includes things like unpacking internalized ableism, autistic boundaries and more!

  • Designing a life that is supportive for your autistic self.

In each section you’ll be able to read an overview with some education and tips and then have the opportunity to fill in worksheets to help support you in your autistic burnout recovery. Worksheets cover topics like:

  • internalized ableism, identifying your burnout triggers, sensory needs, autistic boundaries, creating a sensory plan, autistic burnout needs, rewriting internalized ableist beliefs, releasing shame and more!

I hope this workbook is deeply supportive in your autistic burnout.

Since this is a digital product, there are no refunds offered for The Autistic Burnout Recovery Guide. This product is for personal use, for clinical use with clients please contact Tiffany Landry.

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