Let’s chat

Got a question? Want to work together? Read the FAQs or fill out the form below

Got a question?

If you haven’t already, make sure to read the FAQs at the bottom of this page. If your question isn’t there, please feel free to fill out the form.

Let’s work together!

If you’re interested in working with me in in my 6 month The Autistic Mentorship program, you can find all the details here.

Business hours:

If you send in a coaching application you can expect to hear from me within 48 hours via email. If you don’t see a response, please check your spam & promotions folder.

My business hours are Monday-Friday from 11am-5pm Monday-Friday. I live a mostly social media free life so please send all questions via the Get In Touch form.

Get in Touch


  • I’m not a therapist and I’m not qualified to give you a professional autism assessment. I’m a certified coach and I work with autistic clients on autistic centered trauma resolution & autistic support. I am happy to support you through the autism diagnosis process (whether that’s through self identification or if you choose to get professional diagnosed) and to share resources on places you can pursue an official assessment.

  • Nope! I totally get that some people don’t like filling out applications or it just doesn’t feel accessible. Feel free to send me a message through my website instead! Please share a bit about yourself and what type of support you’re seeking. I’ll then be in touch via email.

  • Unfortunately, I don’t currently have a sliding fee scale or scholarships. I strive to make my coaching programs as accessible as possible through longer payment plans. For my 6 month coaching program I have 7 and 8 monthly payment plans.

  • Yes! We will start with where you’re at, honor your needs and make sure that all practices & tools feel accessible to you. For many autistic clients connecting to their body can feel challenging at first-and that’s 100% okay! We’ll take small doable steps, always checking in and readjusting when needed.

  • Yes! Exploring if you’re autistic can sometimes feel overwhelming and it can be so helpful to have an autistic practitioner by your side. Please feel free to send in a coaching application or send a message via my website.

  • I do! As a queer practitioner the majority of my clients are also LGBTQIA+ but it is not a requirement to work with me.

  • Unfortunately, it’s not. As an autistic person I have a really hard time with video so having sessions via audio phone calls is an important accommodation I need. I do find that clients really love audio phone calls because it’s less screen time and allows them to have their sessions in a comfortable space.

  • Subscribing to my free newsletter on Substack is the best way! I share stories, teachings & education on all things autistic & queer in weekly posts of The Queer Autistic Newsletter. I also will post there ways you can work with me, my writings and free workbooks in The Queer Autistic Library.