About me

My name is Tiffany, a Queer Autistic Coach for autistic adults on coming home to themselves through the process of autistic centered trauma resolution, unmasking and creating a life that’s autistic centered, affirming and just feels good.

I’m both autistic and queer — and a “late bloomer” in both of these worlds.

It wasn’t until I experienced a life-halting event in January 2021 that I began to do my own research into what I was experiencing. After doing some intensive research, I realized that I was autistic, and experiencing severe autistic burnout.

I self-diagnosed as autistic that February, and was professionally diagnosed with autism and ADHD shortly after.

Oh, and did I mention that I’m also a lesbian who didn't truly feel safe owning my identity (due to good ol' trauma and gaslighting around my sexuality) until the sweet age of 34? 

Since receiving my diagnosis as autistic, I’ve been on a long journey of coming home to my autistic wellness, joy and unmasked self. I’ve done deep work of reparenting my queer autistic inner kid, unmasking in all areas of my life, supporting my sensory needs and embracing my autistics needs & desires.

It is a deep honor to guide my autistic clients in autistic centered trauma resolution, steady autistic support & simple tools that create powerful shifts in their lives.

 As a queer autistic human I am devoted to the deep work of coming home to the fullest expression of my queer and autistic goodness, wholeness, joy and pleasure. It is a such an honor to guide others in their own homecoming journeys.

Here’s what I know deep in my autistic heart.

I believe in your Autistic Blueprint of Health aka that innate vibrancy, wellness, joy and goodness that’s at the core of who you are. Even if it might be covered up by trauma, autistic burnout or internalized ableism.

I believe that you are meant to live a life that feels delicious to you. Where you just feel good in your autistic self, where you life a life that’s gloriously accessible & autistic centered, where you access joy and pleasure on a regular basis, where you get to delight in your special interests and know deep in your bones how worthy, lovable and valuable you are-not in spite of being autistic but because you’re autistic. I want that for you so much.

I believe that coming home to our autistic self, joy and pleasure is possible and it consists of:

  • Autistic centered trauma resolution.

  • Autistic life coaching & support: unmasking, unpacking internalized ableism, Autistic Burnout support, sensory needs and more.

  • A beautiful mixture of somatic & nervous system health work and practical tools. Deep trauma healing work AND sensory needs support. Space to be in our bodies and healing AND practical tools we can add to our Autistic Toolbox.

  • Space to celebrate our autistic selves, our stims, those moments where we unmask, the small and steady steps we take as we come even more home to our authentic selves.

Professional Bio

Tiffany (she/her) is a certified ReBloom Trauma Resolution Coach and trained under trauma expert Rachael Maddox for 3 years. The ReBloom methodology is a beautiful mixture of archetypal somatic trauma resolution for healing personal & collective trauma, nervous system health, science and stories. Tiffany was also a guest teacher (on sexual orientation and neurodiversity) and a lead coach for the ReBloom Trauma Resolution Coaching Certification program from 2020-2021.

Tiffany Landry is a certified VITA™ Sex, Love & Relationship Coach through The Tantric Institute of Integrated Sexuality. She completed a 650+ hour two year certification program with Layla Martin. Tiffany additionally completed a specialization women’s sexuality and is a certified VITA™ Female Sexuality Coach.

Tiffany also studied nervous system health and somatic regulation tools in Linda Thai’s Certificate in Somatic Embodiment and Regulation Strategies course.

Tiffany has dedicated the last three years to receiving education on autism and neurodivergence. Tiffany has completed courses on sensory trauma and autism (with Autism Wellbeing), Autistic Trauma (with Kelly Mahler) and also receives monthly ongoing education on autism, ADHD and neurodivergent education & tools through a monthly membership with Dr. Neff of Neurodivergent Insights. Tiffany continues to educate herself on autism, sensory trauma and the neurodivergent nervous system so she can support her autistic clients.

Tiffany currently lives in Western Massachusetts with her two adorable cats. In her free time, Tiffany loves spending time in nature, writing, enjoying a slow life, spending time on her special interests and stim dancing in her kitchen.

Tiffany provides 1:1 coaching for queer autistic folks on the journey of coming home to themselves through the process of trauma healing, unmasking, and embracing their authentic selves.

 Read The Queer Autistic Blog