A Mini Autistic Workbook:

Creating a doable and supportive autistic burnout and shutdown plan has been a key part of my own autistic wellness and health.

Which is why I’m so excited to share with you this free workbook on creating a doable and supportive autistic meltdown and shutdown recovery plan.

As a late diagnosed autistic and autistic coach I know that having a clear and doable meltdown and shutdown recovery plan creates safety and support. Let’s face it: meltdowns and shutdowns are hard and we deserve to get the support we need to recovery from them.

In this 13 page fillable workbook you’ll get to:

  • Read about why having an autistic shutdown and meltdown recovery plan is important.

  • Name your meltdown and shutdown triggers.

  • Identify your own unique warning signs that a meltdown or shutdown is on the way.

  • Get clarity of the types of support you need during an autistic meltdown and shutdown-both from yourself and from others.

  • Create a doable and supportive meltdown and shutdown recovery plan.

  • Make a list of types of supportive care that would feel nourishing to receive during your meltdown and shutdown recovery.

Subscribe to receive a copy of My Autistic Meltdown and Shutdown Recovery Plan.


Unmasking Workbook